TMF audience

Learn and Network with TMF Professionals Worldwide

Participating in conferences presents a valuable training opportunity with the potential for a significant return on investment. While securing approval to attend may pose a challenge, fear not – the key lies in the right approach to effectively justify the time away from work, travel expenses, and conference fees.

An effective strategy is to align the conference's educational and networking opportunities with your organization's goals. Present a compelling argument to your supervisor for attending the Fierce Trial Master File Summit 2024, emphasizing the benefits your organization stands to gain by investing in your participation.

Making the Case

Download the Fierce TMF Summit toolkit, complete with customizable letters and worksheets, to effectively convey the anticipated ROI to your manager and build a compelling case for your attendance.

Justification Letter

Use this customizable template to present a compelling case for your participation when seeking approval from your boss.

Expenses Worksheet

Complete this worksheet to provide an estimate of your expenses to help your employer in budgeting for your participation.

Need Additional Support?

If you have questions on how to use this toolkit, please contact us here.